
Coronavirus Misinformation

Drinking Alcohol Can Cure the Coronavirus

According to Medical News Today, drinking alchohol will not prevent or destroy the coronavirus. While it is possible for high concentrations of alchohol to kill some types of skin viruses, it will not affect the coronavirus. Alcohol will also not improve your immune system, and excessive amounts of alcohol can even damage your immune system, making you more prone to catching the coronavirus. The National Institute of Alchohol Abuse and Alcoholism says that a blood alcohol concentration of 0.4% can be fatal. So, drinking alcohol will not prevent or destory the coronavirus, and could even increase your chances of being affected by the coronavirus. However, hand sanitizers containing 60 to 95% ethyl alcohol can kill the coronavirus. If you want to prevent the coronavirus, drinking alcohol won't help you.

Hot Water Will Kill the Coronavirus

The MD Anderson Center says that hot temperatures will not kill the coronavirus. While hot water can temporarily inactivate the coronavirus, hot water has the potential to burn you. Pouring hot water is unrecommended, because better alternatives, like sanitizers, will permanently kill the coronavirus and will not hurt you. The best you can do to prevent getting the virus is to sanitize everything consistently, wash you hands thoroughly, and stay inside. If you have the coronavirus, the best that you can do is stay home, and let the virus run its course. If it gets bad enough, than seek medical attention. Do not pour hot water onto yourself, in the case that you burn yourself.

Some People Don't Have to Wear Maks

According to John Hopkings Medicine, some people have been carrying cards claiming that they cannot wear a mask due to a physical or mental condition. The cards will have important or government logos on them to make them look official. You should always be wearing a mask when going outside to help prevent the spread of coronavirus. Whenever you go outside, wear a mask and social distance. These rules apply if even you dont have coronavirus, the cases aren't as big in your area, or any other reason.